Organizational, management and control model

In reference to the provisions of Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, ALMAG has introduced an Organizational, Management and Control Model (M.O.G.) aimed to minimize the risk of the perpetration of criminal offences referred to in the aforementioned Italian decree, by setting out all relationships and activities performed by the company on the principles of transparency, honesty and legality.
Any violation of the MOGC can be reported by anyone by accessing a specific platform that protects the anonymity of the person reporting by applying advanced technological standards in compliance with legal requirements, reachable from the address

General section

The Almag Organisation, Management and Control Model (MOGC) includes an introduction dedicated to the decree and its applicability to the industry, as well as the general rules and principles of the document itself with the related annexes: text of Legislative Decree 231/2001 and subsequent amendments and additions; list of predicate offences for liability pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001; company organisation chart; identification and assessment of risks 231; preventive procedures 231; information flows to the SB; Code of Ethics and Conduct; disciplinary regulation for sanctions pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01; regulation of the SB.

Special section

The Almag Organisation, Management and Control Model also includes a special section illustrating the rules relating to the various categories of offences, the exemplification of the conduct, sensitive activities within the Company and the control instruments adopted by the Company.
